Monday 4 August 2014

Treats To Brighten a Bad Day

So yesterday I was walking down the street minding my own business when a dog bit me! Fortunately I had a last minute change of heart with my outfit and changed out my skirt into jeans. If it weren't for my jeans I may not be here to tell the tale. I jest. But the event seriously traumatised me and was made even worse by the owner implying it was my fault for scaring the dog with my flip flops, I didn't think they were that ugly. 

Anyway I was really upset by this incident, I love dogs they're probably my favourite animal and I can't believe one bit me and made a hole in my jeans. So to get over the trauma (and to put to the back of my mind the fact I will soon have to do a dreaded jeans shop) I did what all good beauty bloggers do, I bought makeup. 
Though the incident actually took place in Camden where I had already picked up this really cute T-shirt. 

I really like the baggy oversized fit of it and it says "come with me to touch the sky" which I think it's absolutely adorable and I just love it. Though I did but this before the bite it has definitely helped, along with the other purchases, with the healing process. 

Though I knew to fully cheer me I would need to hit Zara and Space NK. Well when I got off the tube at Oxford Circus I knew I could do one better than that and headed for the mother of all department stores, Liberty. With my loyalty card and a nice little £5 voucher in hand I headed for the NARS counter and picked up something I've been meaning to try for ages. 

Though this now takes me up to a total of 12 foundations I currently use I just couldn't go another day without it. For those who don't know it is the NARS sheer glow foundation and I'm the colour Fiji, though I am a little nervous that once I've got some colour on my skin it'll be too light. What is Chanel Bronze Universal for though eh? I did however make the rookie mistake that everyone makes when they first get this in that I forgot to also get the pump. I'll add that to the list of things I 'need' from Space NK. 

Finally slightly happier I went to check out the Zara sale and found a couple of hidden gems amongst the mess. 

This blouse was £25.99 reduced to £12.99. I already have one similar to it that I picked up in a Zara sale past that I have just worn into holes so I know this one will be just as loved. 

My other purchase may actually be my favourite from the day, this skirt was reduced from £79.99 to (wait for it) £19.99! At that kind of reduction I just couldn't say no. I have no idea what it was doing in the summer sale because for me this is a total Christmas party skirt, but there's no harm in thinking about Christmas party outfits already is there? 

What I learnt from yesterday is, not only am I magpie and I'm just attracted to anything sparkley, but also that no matter how bad you are feeling a little self indulgence is always a good place to start a recovery.