Monday 3 March 2014

Happy Highlights Monday

Continuing with the theme of happy Mondays, today's post I'll share with you what I did to make today happy. 

Today I got my hair done, yay! I think this is one of those things that splits the sexes. Women love going to get their hair done and spending hours in the chair nattering and being pampered, whereas men see it as a chore and put it off at all possible costs (of course this is just speaking generally and there are exceptions to every rule). 

I'm not very adventurous with my hair, after years of experimenting, and I mean SERIOUS experimenting, I've found a style and colour that suits. I love being blond and I couldn't imagine going back to my au natural brunette anytime soon. The problem with blond when you're naturally dark haired is the roots. This is what I had done today. 

The poor quality lighting doesn't show the colour up properly here, but I'm pleased with it. When I first started university I was scared about what I was going to do about my hair, I've been going to the same hairdressers my whole life and I love it there. Not only this but I need my roots doing every six-eight weeks. Thankfully there is a salon inside the Cardiff University Student Union called Cutting Edge. They may be no Angela Mee, but they do the job and the offer wonderful student rates. 

Basically I've spent all day playing with my soft new hair. How is it hairdressers manage to tame your hair and make it feel so lovely in a way you'll never be able to replicate at home? 

Aah so pretty and soft and shiny. 

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